Join us for our Summer Policy Series!
In each of these sessions, you’ll learn more about a big policy consideration MNIPL is paying close attention to in our work to transition Minnesota into a safe and equitable green future. Each session will share important context and information about the topic and offer ways to get and stay involved this summer and beyond!
Check out the sessions below and RSVP!
CO2 Pipelines in Minnesota: Fossil Fuel's Quiet Game Plan for Drilling More Oil
Thursday, June 20 | Noon - 1 pm | Zoom
Carbon dioxide pipelines are being sold as a necessary part of meeting our climate goals. What industry representatives don't like to mention is that they are taking compressed CO2 to oil wells in North Dakota to push out more oil – a process called Enhanced Oil Recovery.
We know that a safe and equitable transition to a greener future means ending our use of fossil fuels, not finding more creative ways to hide it. Join us to learn more about how these pipelines are bad news for Minnesota and how you can help fight them!
Did you miss the session? Click here to check out the deck, recordings, and resources shared and learn how to get involved!
Clean Heat by 2040: What Will It Take to Get Us There?
Thursday, July 11 | Noon - 1 pm | Zoom
Minnesota has made a commitment to being carbon-free in our electricity production, but many of us are still using natural gas to heat our homes. Despite the fact that there are more sustainable ways to keep our homes warm like heat pumps or electric heat, most of the policy and physical infrastructure in our state makes methane gas the norm.
Join us for a conversation about what it would take to get to clean heat by 2040, from a formal state commitment to changing local ordinances around gas lines. This will need to be a long-term process in multiple arenas, and we need your help!
Did you miss the session? Click here to check out the deck, recordings, and resources shared and learn how to get involved!
How is Climate Change Affecting Our Investments?
Thursday, June 18 | Noon - 1 pm | Zoom
We know that climate disruption is having an effect on both our present and our future, but many of the places where we and our state are investing money aren’t taking those realities into account. In fact, 17 states across the county, influenced by fossil fuel interests, have passed laws barring their State Investment Boards from considering risks like climate change. Not only is this bad news for the environment, but it’s bad news for those pension-holders.
Please join us for a webinar with Jordan Haedtler, Climate Financial Policy Consultant, on the ways in which we explore the ways climate disruption is affecting investments, and how those risks are passed on to consumers!
Did you miss the session? Click here to check out the deck, recordings, and resources shared and learn how to get involved!
Better Bonding for Better Buildings
Thursday, August 8 | Noon - 1 pm | Zoom
Innovation in building materials techniques is on the rise – from carbon-free cement and steel to fossil-fuel-free heating. Can we use our state bonding investments to start to build better?
Please join us for a webinar about how we can use state bonding investments to build better now while spurring industry advancements.
Did you miss the session? Click here to check out the deck, recordings, and resources shared and learn how to get involved!