Community Action Needed on Two Critical Climate Proposals Up for Vote

The Minnesota Legislative Session is nearing its conclusion, and a number of different climate related policy provisions are under consideration. These include updating the state’s carbon emissions goals for the first time in over a decade, funding for solar on schools, and expanding the state’s energy efficiency program, among many others. 

Below are two critical proposals that MNIPL is following closely and is asking our community to act on. Contact your state legislators this week! We need our elected officials to know that their constituents want climate action to be a top priority. 

100% Clean Energy Standard – Support!

The House Climate and Energy Committee has put forward a proposal that would require Minnesota utilities to generate 100% carbon-free electricity by 2040. This provision was introduced by Rep. Jamie Long and supported by a growing list of 35 representatives. 

While some elements could be more ambitious, it still signifies a major step forward in transitioning towards a clean energy future. The 100% clean energy standard has been included in the House Climate and Energy omnibus bill and has support from Governor Walz, Minnesota Department of Commerce, and Senator Nick Frentz.

The “Pro-Polluter Bill” – Oppose!

Included in the Senate Environment Committee’s omnibus bill is a provision that would repeal the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s authority to regulate car and truck emissions. This “Pro-Polluter” provision, introduced by Sen. Andrew Matthews, is a direct attempt to undermine the Governor’s clean cars initiative

Close to 25 percent of our state’s emissions come from transportation. This proposal is likely to come up for a vote on the house floor, and we need to ensure that it does not pass. If enacted, it would greatly diminish our state’s ability to meet its carbon reduction goals.

For more information about this “Pro-Polluter” provision, attend our upcoming webinar on Tuesday, April 13 from 7:00-8:00 pm. Click here to register