Climate Justice and Indigenous Rights: A Jewish Opportunity to Rise & Repair

The Rise & Repair Coalition has been planning for the 2024 Legislative Session for months now, with a focus on protecting and promoting Indigenous rights and fighting for climate justice in our state.

Rise and Repair continues to meet with community members from across Minnesota to build a state-wide network to support the amazing work alliance partners are leading on. 

On January 31, 2024, MNIPL co-hosted Climate Justice and Indigenous Rights: A Jewish Opportunity to Rise and Repair, where we talked with folks about how to get involved and support the legislative priorities the Rise & Repair partners are pushing for during this Legislative Session. We shared information on specific bills being proposed, ways that you can get involved, and lots of opportunities for learning new topics.

We are thankful to Sianna Goodwin for helping get this started! Participants who attended decided to keep meeting during the legislative session and choose a few bills to focus their energy in supporting.

Featured Speakers:

  • Juventino Meza, J.D., Minnesota Interfaith Power & Light
  • Siana Goodwin, Mount Zion Temple Climate Action Group
  • Beth Gandler, Jewish Community Action
  • Juventino Meza, J.D., Minnesota Interfaith Power & Light

Slides are available here

Rise and Repair had a Policy Exchange event recently where partner organizations presented on their legislative priorities. You can watch the presentations and review the slides here.

If you have not yet subscribed to the Rise & Repair newsletter, please that by clicking here! We’re on track for a big presence at the Capitol for the 2024 Rise & Repair Rally and Lobby Day ~ PLEASE RSVP HERE!