
A Win in Duluth/Superior: NTEC’s Permit is Withdrawn

Earlier this week, climate justice organizers in the Northland achieved a huge success: the utility companies withdrew their requested permit for Nemadji Trail Energy Center (NTEC), a $1B gas-fired power…

Carbon Free Means Carbon Free

On Thursday, September 26, 2024 the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) will be making some key decisions about implementing Minnesota’s 100% clean energy standard – including what types of electricity…

2024 Legislative Updates_Sara's Takeaways

2024 Legislative Session Update: Sara’s Takeaways

The second year of the biennium always flies by. MNIPL started with a solid list of priorities this year. → Requiring state pensions to consider systemic risks like climate change…

2024 Legislative Session Updates_Permitting Reform

2024 Legislative Session Update: Permitting Reform

While MNIPL strongly supports permitting reforms that streamline processes for clean energy like wind and solar, we had significant concerns about reforms that might weigh in favor of fossil fuel…

Climate Justice & Indigenous Rights Event w. new logos

Climate Justice and Indigenous Rights: A Jewish Opportunity to Rise & Repair

The Rise & Repair Coalition has been planning for the 2024 Legislative Session for months now, with a focus on protecting and promoting Indigenous rights and fighting for climate justice…


Minnesota’s Green Bank Starts Its Work

by Juventino Meza, J.D. MNCIFA names Board In 2023, Minnesota Interfaith Power and Light led the efforts with partners across the state to pass the Minnesota Climate Innovation Finance Authority…


Xcel rate decision is a climate justice win

The PUC’s recent decision to limit Xcel’s rate increase is a major win! Not to mention their acknowledgment of the need for justice in setting utility rates. MNIPL’s organizing work made a difference!


Over 100 gathered to chart an equitable clean energy transition in MN

Community leaders gathered to discuss the path forward to an equitable green energy transition in MN.


Advocating for Clean Cars

Submitted by St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral in Minneapolis. In early 2020, eight members of St. Mark’s Climate Task Force attended a Clean Cars hearing in North Minneapolis. They decided to…


Advocating for treaty rights and clean water

Submitted by Edina Community Lutheran Church in Minneapolis. Advocating for treaty rights and clean water by fighting the Line 3 pipeline became a point of pride for the ECLC community.…