Updates from the Multifaith Climate Movement

Youth 'n Power Murals at Midtown Global Market February 2021

Youth N’ Power Art Murals Displayed

From February 20 through March 1, 2021, the Midtown Global Market in Minneapolis displayed environmental art murals created by artists who participate in MNIPL’s Youth N’ Power program. This exhibit…


Antisemitism and White Nationalism Workshop

On February 18, 2021, Jewish Community Action offered a 90-minute workshop on antisemitism and white nationalism for MNIPL’s community of people involved in movements for climate justice. This event focused…


Recording and resources from #StopLine3 National Rally

More than 500 people attended the February 10 national rally to #StopLine3! We heard from frontlines leaders about the urgency of confronting the violence happening to the land and people…


Take action on Clean Cars MN proposed standards

In order to create a more just and sustainable future, we know we need to rapidly transition away from fossil fuels and move towards decarbonized options. MNIPL advocates for this…


Providing COVID support in Duluth

Delivering food and direct aid to community partners, who in turn helped those most in need during this COVID-19 pandemic, was not what MNIPL envisioned as its 2020 focus for…

Julia Nerbonne, Maggie Brickson, and others from St. Mary's Episcopal   Church in Minneapolis (click for more videos/photos)

#solsticewater offerings

Our collective energy came together on the Winter Solstice as we prayed, reflected, celebrated, and gave attention to the sacredness of water. More than 140 people declared their intention to…


Water Protectors arrested; MNIPL staff in group

This morning a group of water protectors were arrested, unexpectedly and without warning, as they entered the Wigwam on the banks of the Mississippi River to pray. The group included…


2020 Election Accomplishments

MNIPL is incredibly proud of the shared effort we all took to mobilize climate voters across our state. Voter turnout in Minnesota came in at some of the highest levels in the country. The collective call we made for climate justice and environmental racial justice issues is propelling us forward into the challenges and joys of our work to come.


Low Income Solar Program Expanded

On November 5, 2020, MNIPL testified directly in front of the Public Utilities Commission (PUC), advocating for changes to Minnesota Power’s proposed solar rebate program (SolarSense) and an accompanying Low…


Make Sure Your Vote Counts

Minnesota has a strong and effective statewide electoral system with a long tradition of excellent voter turnout. Because we need our care for the planet known at the polls, we…