Youth N’Power Presents: Earth Week Northside Street Clean Up!

Redeemer Lutheran Church 1800 Glenwood Ave, Minneapolis, MN

For Earth Week this year, Youth N'Power is hosting an event on Sunday, April 24! As youth apprentices are learning to navigate the Environmental Justice movement, we are excited to present an opportunity to focus on cleaning up the streets surrounding the Harrison Neighborhood in North Minneapolis. Join us as we give our energy to…

Virtual Screening of YOUTH v GOV


How can we bring accountability over the climate crisis? YOUTH v GOV is the inspiring story of 21 youth activists from across the nation as they file a groundbreaking lawsuit…

Climate Solutions: Post-Forum Discussion with Julia Nerbonne


This year, the Westminster Town Hall Forum has presented a series of programs on climate change solutions featuring five women on the forefront of climate research, science, and policy. Join Julia Nerbonne, MNIPL's Executive Director, for a follow-up discussion on the treasure-trove of ideas and solutions shared and how you can take them into your communities.

MNIPL’s Duluth Area Earth Day Fellowship Gathering

Park Point Duluth, MN, United States

Join this casual get together for congregational and community partners. Arrive at 4 pm at Park Point for a beach walk, talk, and clean up for an hour. At 5:30,…

Concert: The Earth Sings Beauty

St. Andrews Lutheran Church 900 Stillwater Rd, Mahtomedia, MN, United States

The National Lutheran Choir’s 2022 Spring Concert will feature the world premiere of Lament of the Earth, winner of the Dale Warland Singers Commission Award, with music by Steve Heitzeg…

The Psychology of Climate Action


Are you a climate activist? Maybe you’ve heard it said, "Anxiety is our superpower...." But what happens when anxiety leads to despair and hopelessness? Join our May Community Connector webinar for a conversation about how faith, spiritual practices, and community can be sources of support and meaning as we face the psychological impacts of long-term…

Renewable Energy Tour 2022

Join Minnesota Interfaith Power & Light and our partners in the Just Solar Coalition for a tour in Northern Minnesota promoting renewable energy. This is a great opportunity to visit…